Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Celebrity Big Brother - Boot me out, buttercup

Eviction night. I'm so glad this is on at 9pm tonight. I am so tired and ill, I just couldn't have waited. I feel like Tara Reid in the middle of her delusions today. Darryn isn't really that scary. He is annoying, though.
Could there be a more loathsome couple than Kerry and Lucien? Honestly, they are gross. Bobby was right, after all.
LOL at Pamela playing the charity card. 'At risk teens'? The only at risk teens I know are Dan Savage's text savvy at risk youth. And I don't think they're that popular. I don't care about at risk teens, you're a boring housemate! I wish Sally was still in there.
They are stitching Tara up quite bad with this nominations crap. Darryn and Bobby have both done worse.
Some of those combined names could have been executed a bit better. Pamela and Bobby, Pobby, not Pambob, surely? These tasks are soooo boring. I'm just not bothered. I don't really care who goes, but in a way I hope it's Darryn, because he's gunning for Tara, big time. And she's one of the only decent people in the house. And even she's a bit ropey. But it's annoying that Tara has to mimic Amy, who's a nobody. At least Tara has actually done something with her life other than had a couple of catchphrases and a spray tan.
Darryn is ALWAYS stirring the pot. I can't stand him. I'd love to see his face if he goes. There's nothing worth listening to coming out of his mouth. 'The boss' is right. Just like 'much loved' Carol and Vinnie Jones before him. Long live Alex Reid.
Lucien and Bobby laughing at Pamela saying she nearly died. Nice. This is edited so badly that you can't really tell what is going on. Pamela DOES talk over people, though.
So, Pamela went. I don't like what that might do to Darryn's ego. In a vote to evict, he would have been Jedward's toast tower. What's the point in booing her? She doesn't know what day of the week it is! I'd definitely sit up and take notice if everyone said I didn't listen, though. I'd be horrified if people thought that about me.
I like Pamela getting to choose the noms. If she can give a straight answer. She chose well, for the most part. That was about the only interesting thing that happened the whole time. She was totally swayed by the baying crowd, though. I wish she'd saved Tara. Still don't get the Kerry thing.
Sorry this blog is so gash. I'm dying. I'm going to eat some crumpets, take a zopyclone and hopefully sleep back my sanity. Normal service will be resumed soon.

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