Monday, 24 August 2009

Big Brother 10: If it was fucking acid, fair enough

I'm sick and itchy and in pain but I'm also bored out of my brain so I'll try squeeze a mini-blog out. I liked the wrestling yesterday, it was fun. The episode the day before was SO boring. On the eviction; Davina stuck it to Bea GOOD! I was shocked at how harsh she was, but totally deserved.
Now am I being paranoid or are they showing an awful lot of Charlie lately? Oh, he's such a cheeky chappie! Look at him deny his feelings for Rodrigo and declare himself 'a lovely guy'. So why do I hate him SO much? The way he reacted over the magazines thing was telling in itself, one bit of criticism and he went ballistic. I just fing him utterly vacuous and transparent. If he wins, I'll shut up shop, I swear. HE CANNOT WIN!
And I still don't understand what Sophie was so upset about with Kris? It all seemed very cynical and to do with agents and it just didn't smell right. Yuck.
Aw Rodrigo, don't fall for him, you're too good for that odius showy little prink. There'll be tears before bedtime either way.
Sophie is a bit idiotic for moaning that Marcus was upset she stole from him. Sophie is coming off like a bit of an idiot at the moment. I can't believe she's the favourite to win. I like her and Rodrigo together, but she's just a total airhead really.
David has had hundreds of one night stands! With whom?! This story stacks up about as well as Freddie and his four lovers.
It annoys me now that ALL their conversations are about the end of the show/ wrapping up etc. It's boring! Too much dead wood in that house. That's the problem.
I did have a wry smile at David/ Siavash during the toothbrush task but that was about it.
Siavash seems very interested in other people's sexuality, doesn't he? I wonder why..?
Lisa rubbed it in a bit with Sophie when they lost the task considering she's meant to be her friend.
Sophie hit the nail on the head with the nominations thing; Charlie, Rodrigo, David and Lisa are running scared. Siavash isn't scared actually; I think he doesn't want a free pass to the final. He wants to feel he's earned it, whereas Lisa and Charlie feel entitled.
It's all very well Siavash looking down his nose at Sophie for not knowing this and that but he didn't actually answer the question of where Sweden was, did he? Does Sophie give women/ blondes a bad name? No, she just gives the education system one.
Despite my complaints about Sophie, I like the fact she has so little regard for her image that she just waxes her eyebrows off for a laugh. That's my kind of girl.
So in conclusion, mixed feelings about everything. I blame the codeine and tramadol cocktail.

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