Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Big Brother 10: Can you see the Millennium Eye?

Anarchy in Borehamwood!
Quite ironic really on the day that it is announced that Big Brother is axed, they set David and Lisa a highly un-Big Brother-like task of going outside, and the rest of the housemates storm the camera run. The whole thing feels like it's falling apart in front of our (very) eyes.
I appreciate the fact that sending Lisa and David out of the house is a cool idea; but it's so very at odds with the idea of what Big Brother is about, that it just seems absurd. To my mind, part of winning, is being holed up in that house for three months, THEN coming out to the baying crowd. If you've already been out mingling with the crowd a week beforehand, it rather takes the shine off. And to that end, I'm glad Marcus didn't get to go. It's not like Lisa and David are gonna win the fucker, is it?
Can we send Charlie into space (sans oxygen?) David and Lisa looked more like fruit than aliens. Hmm, good luck with that task, Sophie and Rodrigo.
I enjoyed Marcus cawing to the birds in the garden because it's the kind of infantile thing I do.
I liked Lisa and David's excitement at the task though, it must be such a buzz to get out of the house like that. The producers were probably glad Marcus didn't get that task or he'd probably have just ditched the costume and run off. Now that would have been funny. Lucky for BB they got 'rules is rules' cretins David and Lisa.
It was nice to see them on the bus, though. I knew that bus would come if Lisa waited there long enough! It was like they were on day release from the loony bin.
Aw it was cute when they held hands. Lisa hammering it home that David better not fuck up the task!
Haha omg that was funny when David was on the phone and Lisa thought he was talking to her. They are such a stupid pair. Do you think they're going to be smart enough to try and take a sneaky peek at Heat, or check their odds down the bookies?
Siavash can't beat Marcus can he? I admire him for plouging his own bizarre furrow in some respects. It's better than towing the line.
HAHAHA to Lisa and David trying to get their pcitures taken by the harsh London crowd. Bless 'em.
It was good when Marcus went in the pool. Now you are awake!
I LOVED the unbridled joy of them all running round the camera runs, and that even Rodrigo did it. It was ace! Ooh Siavash got manhandled. LOL Sophie, Rodrigo and Charlie got lost! Ha, Marcus is such a naughty boy. I love him. Marcous! It all went a bit Dead Set and counter-culture, I liked it a lot. I think they trumped Lisa and David!
'London town centre'! LOL. Up west, dude. OMG David's chirruping laugh of glee. Hehe Charlie trying to one up them with his story! His FACE! He was seething. Perhaps should have waited a few minutes for that one. Snigger.
How long before Lisa's moaning about the loss of the prize fund? Rules IS rules, after all!

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