Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Big Brother 2011 - Own ghoul

I like the twist, I mean, not the people getting an unfair advantage, but the idea of the crypt, anyway. And the outfits. I don't really like not knowing what's going on, or Anton or Jay getting special privileges or power. They got a fried breakfast, ffs! And they're the most hated people in the house. That's just not cricket, honeybunch.
Aaron and Harry should be a bit savvy, though, and consider the fact that Anton and Jay could be watching.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream, don't we, Sree?
Every time Louise comes to the DR I lose the will to live. She don't half prattle on.
So can they see the Diary Room or not? I heard they can, which isn't right. And they got live feed and we don't! This is BS.
There's blood coming out of the shower! Well that's a convenient excuse to perv on Louise, Harry.
Anton looks like the Emperor from Star Wars in his ghoulie garb. I think I kind of like it.
Get that miserable bitch Faye, next! Bury her alive.
Interesting to see Anton watch Aaron sympathising with him in the sauna. Jay on the live feed: 'This is like watching paint dry.' Ungrateful!
I hate the way Faye tries to manipulate Aaron. She's constantly trying to trip him up. They really are both as bad as each other. I think what Jem said in the DR was a fair cop, to be honest.
I think Anton is getting a bit carried away with his cape, he's like a machiavellian muppet.
Aaron... you've actually thought about sleeping with your 'girlfriend'! PERVERT! The way she reacts to things is fucking pathetic. I don't think Aaron creates dramas to get air time. I just think him and Faye are completely incompatible.
Uh oh, I don't like Anton and Jay plotting against Aaron. They have a totally unfair advantage. Anton is plotting a very dastardly plan!
OMG they are showing them the Diary Room! A bond of trust has been abused... something of value... has been lost. Do they care nothing for traditions? Honestly, I find that quite shocking. You could say something highly personal in there. It kind of backfired, too, because Aaron was saying nice things about Jay and Anton.
Quite telling that Jay's biggest insult for someone is to call them a 'girl'. Those bodies in the hall are scary!
I think Alex is overdoing the histrionics a bit. Even she twigged the chihuahua story wasn't true. I want to know what little monster they do have in that cage. I think Alex would rather see Tinkerbell than Tashie. I definitely would.
Jem always says she doesn't know Aaron. But she lives with him!
Harry's not dressed as Tim Henman's dad today. He's dressed more like he found some things in a lost property box. Anton is pan-faced at Harry's DR lols.
My boyfriend just said they should show the house what idiot 1 and 2 have been doing in the crypt. But will they? They need to do something to even the score.
I hope Anton NEVER makes it back into that house. And I hope they evict the cunt in that outfit.
Now, please excuse me, I've just got to take a call on my crypt phone.

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