Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Big Brother 9: A Psychologist's Wet Dream

What a shame Nicole wasn't still in for the Vegas task! Ha. Bring on the lapdancers.
I'm very glad that Darnell and Rex were called into the diary room for causing 'serious offence to another housemate or to the general public'. Darnell. Dick. Just say sorry, you prick.
Rex! Pinned the blame on Darnell. Lovely! Sara, it's not because of you, it's because of them. Rex saying she made an issue of it, when she absolutely didn't. Just imagine for a moment if NICOLE was called a slut in that house. Just imagine what she'd have made of it. And conclude: Rex is a cunt.
How on fire is Mikey lately in summing up the housemates! Spot on.
DAVINA! Stop pretending 50 grand means shit to you. You wipe your arse on £20 notes. That hair dye ad alone probably rakes in 100K a year at least.
Now here's an interesting thing. In the past when they've put the housemates on the spot and forced them to nominate there's always been a revolt, or one housemate going 'pick me!' These fuckers couldn't WAIT to pick up their markers and vote! What a bunch of arseholes.
But there is actually a world of difference in who you WANT to nominate, and who you'd DARE to nominate to their face. Hence why all the votes for Lisa and Sara.
Some of them really seemed to enjoy it, didn't they (Lisa/ Mikey/ Rex)? Sara looked beautiful in defeat. What a surprise the two nicest people in the house were up. That's what you get when it's a complete cunt factory in there.
I'm glad Lisa & Sara got the cash over the others, but all the suspense died because they were such good friends it was obvious what they'd do. Now Rex vs ANYONE would have been funny.
All in all- a disappointment. But then, what's new?

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