Wednesday, 16 September 2009


Sorry I've been quiet this week, my laptop overheated and died so no bloggy. Not that there's been much on TV.
But here's a mini round up via my phone: DERREN:THE REVEAL I felt like I was following it at the time but if you asked me to explain it now, I wouldn't have a clue. Looking forward to him making me stick to my seat though, that sounds bloody brilliant!
BBBM THE REUNION. Sree looked haunted. Marcus was ignored, Siavash dissed. Tragic.
ENDERS: Sam Mitchell: goblin. The flies in the shed were good. Need more Christian.
XFACTOR: Dire. Amanda Holden and Cheryl have both been going to patro-nose wrinkling school. I'm even sick of Simon.
POINTLESS: bbc2, around 4.30. The anti-family fortunes presented by Pimms dude. What more do you want?Watch It!

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